Presented below are instructions for posting images within messages. Images may be attached, or reference an external link. If an external link is referenced, make sure it is available to the general public, otherwise it will not display for others viewing the post.
If attaching an image, Please post small images (smaller than 400x400), as server space is limited. Any postings that are without proper identification, are anonymous, or are inappropriate will be removed at the sole discretion of the Board Administrator. To attach an image, use the "Upload Attachment" tab located at the bottom of your editing screen when generating a post.
- Click Upload Attachment Tab
- Click "Browse" button
- Navigate to the location of the image stored on your computer, then click the "Open" button
- Click the "Add the file" button
- Click the "Img" button above the editing area
- This inserts [img][/img] code where your cursor was
- copy the link where the image is located in between these codes and make sure there are no blank spaces
[img] ... 000001.jpg[/img]
which results in the following display: