The J/109 Class Rules (copy available at ) will apply to the East Coast Championships. Rule 6.1 will apply for driver and crew. This means that a competing J/109 may have six crew members plus the driver. An additional seventh crew member may be added, provided he or she weighs not more than 60 kilos (132 lbs.). The weight limit in Rule 6.2 will not apply. All competing J/109’s are subject to inspection and measurement and must carry all required equipment.
All owners and drivers must be 2007 paid members of the class; you can pay your dues online by clicking on the membership button on the class homepage. Class dues will not be collected at the event.
All crew members are required to have ISAF numbers. To acquire an ISAF status follow the below link and fill in the fields. Most people receive the status in a timely fashion, however it can take up to 30 days if you are not a clear Category 1 sailor, so please do not hesitate to get your status.
Each boat will be required to check in sails that will be used during the regatta. As permitted by class rules, each boat will be allowed to carry one (1) mainsail, two (2) jibs and two (2) spinnakers. Skippers are required to “call” a jib and spinnaker each day and may not change sails between races unless one of the sails has suffered substantial damage. In the event a replacement sail is used it would be advisable for the competitor to notify the race committee before sailing with the substitute sail.