2017 J/109 Class Annual Meeting

The 2017 J/109 Class Annual meeting will be held on Thursday 12 October at 6:30pm East Coast time in Newport, RI.  The meeting location is:

Sail Newport
60 Fort Adams Drive 
Newport, RI 02840  

Those attending in person please RSVP online at this link

  • The dial in number is (641) 715-3580 Participant Code: 435584# for those unable to attend in person and desire to call in.

The meeting presentation may be viewed online at this link.

The agenda is as follows:

  1. Welcome – Call meeting to order and vote to accept last annual meeting minutes – Class Secretary
  2. Finance Report – Class Treasurer
    1. Current year financial report projected to year end
    2. Proposed budget for next year
    3. IRS tax exempt determination as 501 (c) (7) Social Club and annual filing requirements
  3. President’s report on 2017 accomplishments – Class President
  4. Reports from Fleet representatives
    1. Discuss future of New Jersey Fleet as separate or merged with Long Island Sound
  5. Class Measurers Report
  6. North American Championship – Class President
    1. RFP Process & Results
      1. 2018 Location (Larchmont YC 10-14 October 2018)
      2. 2019 Location (New Bedford YC 20-24 August 2019)
    2. European Fleet Potential Participation
    3. Potential for Loaner Boats & Class insurance via Burgee Program
    4. Planning for 2020 and beyond will be done late in 2018 – potential for other YCs to host a dedicated event
  7. Proposed Schedule for 2018 class events (Need inputs from all the districts before meeting) – Class Vice President
  8. Website improvements
    1. Email tools for Executive Board allow personalized emails by group (Fleets, Current Members, etc.)
    2. Unified login across website for membership and forum (deferred from 2017)
    3. Sail tag transfer updates based on Class Measurer inputs
    4. Feedback on existing site and other potential changes, fixes or improvements
  9. Off year for Elections – officers serve through 2018 (Nominating committee to be formed later in 2018)
  10. Rules Change Discussion (posted on website 20 July 2017) – Class Measurer
    1. Ballot to be emailed to members by 16 October (Vote online via J/109 website)
    2. Voting closes midnight GMT 30 days after ballots emailed
    3. Secretary to tally and certify vote – If passed revised rules will be posted and would be effective 1 January 2018
  11. Other new business and discussion.

Permanent link to this article: https://j109.org/2017-j109-class-annual-meeting/