Class Website Update October 2017

Updated J/109 Website

The Class Website is now on a faster server …

The J/109 Class website was moved to a faster server earlier the week of 16 October 2017. We made a few adjustments and now everything should be operating smoothly. If you run into any website problems or have suggestions, please email

Over the winter we plan on making some more website updates and incorporate some additional features that will make the website better for all. The updates should be done in a manner that is transparent to all, but if there is a requirement to take the site offline for an update, we will announce it before it happens. The list of scheduled updates includes:

  • Issue J/109 Class membership cards that will be emailed and may be printed when a member’s dues are paid for the year.
  • Updating the website login so the same login is used across the site for dues, forum, etc. Presently the system requires two separate logins.
  • Better integration of the most recent forum posts in the side bar of the main website. This will allow everyone to see a snippet of the most recent posts without having to go to the forum directly.
  • Potential upgrade to the J/109 Forums – we are evaluating other forum software packages and if we find a better alternative that allows us to merge the existing forum posts, we may transition to it.
  • Some behind the scenes updates to accommodate sail tag transfers such as when you buy a used sail that is already tagged. We also will make some updates to make sail tag administration easier for the officers.
  • Fleets have been reorganized with all boats now assigned to a fleet in their geographic area.  A description of the geographic areas and the listing of Fleet Captains may be found on the menu by mousing over Class then clicking on Fleets.

There are more planned updates coming.   If you have suggestions for the website, please send an email to with your ideas.

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