Edgartown YC Race Weekend – Round the Island Race

June 25, 2022 all-day
Edgartown YC
1 Dock St #1309
Edgartown, MA 02539
Margaret Passafiume
(508) 627-4364 x18
Edgartown YC Race Weekend - Round the Island Race @ Edgartown YC | Edgartown | Massachusetts | United States


Edgartown Race Weekend is one of the nation’s oldest distance races, occurring every summer on and offshore the island of Martha’s Vineyard. A staple on the East Coast racing calendar, the highly-competitive and exceptionally fun race weekend includes both buoy racing and ‘Round-the-Island segments and attracts boats and teams of all sizes and calibers from around the U.S. and internationally. Classes are for ORC, PHRF-NE (including Spinnaker, Non-Spinnaker, and Doublehanded Divisions), and Multi-Hulls.

Event Website: Edgartown YC

Registration: Link

Notice of Race: Link

For more information, go to www.rtirace.org or contact

Margaret Passafiume – raceadministrator@edgartownyc.org – (508) 627-4364 x18.

On Facebook follow Edgartown Yacht Club Racing.

Permanent link to this article: https://j109.org/event/edgartown-yc-race-weekend-2-2/