J/109 Class 2015 Annual Meeting

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October 22, 2015 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Offices of REDI Global Technologies
80 Pine Street
New York, NY 10005
Bud Rogers
J/109 Class 2015 Annual Meeting @ Offices of REDI Global Technologies | New York | New York | United States

The 2015 J/109 Class Annual meeting will be held on Thursday 22 October at 6:30pm East Coast time in New York City.  The meeting location is:

Offices of REDI Global Technologies
80 Pine St. 27th floor
New York, NY 10005  

Ask for Jonathan Rechtschaffer at the building security desk upon arrival.

Those attending in person please RSVP online at this link

  • The dial in number is 929-224-0311 for those unable to attend in person and desire to call in.

The meeting presentation may be viewed online at this link, or downloaded for printing at this link.

The agenda is as follows:

  1. Welcome & President’s report on 2015 accomplishments – Class President
  2. Reports from Fleet representatives
  3. Finance report and proposed 2016 budget – Class Treasurer
  4. US Sailing MVP Program discounts for J/109 Class – Class Treasurer
  5. North American Championship – Class President
    1. 2016 Location (NYYC Race Week 12-16 July 2016)
    2. European Fleet Potential Participation
    3. Potential for Loaner Boats & Class insurance via Burgee Program
    4. Planning for 2017 and beyond – potential for other YCs to host a dedicated event
  6. Proposed Schedule for 2016 class events (Need inputs from all the districts before meeting) – Class Secretary
  7. Proposed Fleet Redistribution so all boats are included in a fleet – Class Secretary
  8. Planned website improvements for 2016
    1. Sail tag registration
    2. Add fields for cell phone, work phone with check mark on preferred number, add US Sailing Number with link to persons US Sailing record, add ISAF code (for later regatta registration upgrade)
    3. Forum upgrade
    4. Unified login across website for membership and forum
    5. Content update for PHRF and IRC ratings
    6. Email tools for Executive Board
    7. Feedback on existing site and other potential changes, fixes or improvements
  9. Class Measurers Report
    1. Rule Changes Vote on Inhauler systems
    2. Discussion on Bob Stay Addition
  10. Other new business and discussion.

Permanent link to this article: https://j109.org/event/j109-class-2015-annual-meeting/