The J/109 Class has a proposed change to the class rules announced on the class website regarding inhaulers. Current class members are eligible to vote on this proposed change. The ballot has been emailed to all current J/109 Class Owners in good standing. If you believe you should have received the ballot but did not, please send an email to for resolution.
Who can Vote?
A Voting Member as defined in section 3.0 of the class constitution shall be a legal owner or one designated legal owner in the case of a boat with more than one legal owner, such that each registered boat shall have one Voting Member. Each Voting Member shall have one vote. Voting Members maintain membership by paying annual membership dues and by complying with the J/109 Class Association Constitution and J/109 Class Rules. Note – if you desire to vote on the rules changes and are not a current year member, please go to the class website, update your membership and pay your current year dues.
When can I Vote?
All current members will be sent an email no later than 10 September 2015 notifying them that the official ballot is available. Voting is available online through noon 10 October 2015, at which time the results will be validated and tallied by the J/109 Class Secretary.
What am I voting about?
The proposed rules change would allow installation of a system with control lines to permit inhauling the jib. Under class rule 4.3 “The following are permitted while racing:” is sub paragraph 4.3.7 which allows only “Trimming the lazy windward sheet to barber haul the jib”. The proposed change to rule 4.3.7 would allow the addition of a separate control line, pad-eyes, cleats and blocks as desired behind the mast to horizontally inhaul the jib.
How do I Vote?
Eligible voters will be emailed a ballot by the class secretary. This has a link to vote online.
When will the results be known?
Results will be announced at the annual meeting scheduled on 22 October 2015. For more information about the annual meeting, check the J/109 Class website annual meeting announcement.