The 2016 J/109 Class Annual meeting will be held on Wednesday 26 October at 6:30pm East Coast time in New York City. The meeting location is:
Offices of BCA
44 East 32nd Street, 12th floor Penthouse
New York, NY 10016
Nearest parking garage is 200 E32 near 3rd Ave
Ask for Ray Pepi office phone 212-777-2626 upon arrival.
Those attending in person please RSVP online at this link
- The dial in number is (669) 224-3412 Access Code: 150-636-077 for those unable to attend in person and desire to call in.
The meeting presentation may be viewed online at this link.
The agenda is as follows:
- Welcome & President’s report on 2016 accomplishments – Class President
- Reports from Fleet representatives
- Finance report and proposed 2017 budget – Class Treasurer
- Class Measurers Report
- North American Championship – Class President
- 2017 Location (Block Island Race Week 18-23 June 2017)
- European Fleet Potential Participation
- Potential for Loaner Boats & Class insurance via Burgee Program
- Planning for 2018 and beyond – potential for other YCs to host a dedicated event
- Proposed Schedule for 2017 class events (Need inputs from all the districts before meeting) – Class Secretary
- Planned website improvements for 2017
- Unified login across website for membership and forum
- Email tools for Executive Board
- Feedback on existing site and other potential changes, fixes or improvements
- Introduction of new officers from elections
- Other new business and discussion.