The competition for the East Coast Regatta Series trophy was determined after the 2nd weekend of the American YC fall series. David Rosow sailing Loki held the trophy as the defending champion and was able to successfully hold off a challenge at the final event by Bengt Johansson and the Zig Zag crew. Earlier in the series at the New York Yacht Club Race Week, Bill Sweetser sailing Rush sailed a great series taking first place on the final day of racing with close competition from the two Texas boats Tom & Diana Sutton’s Leading Edge and Al Goethe’s Hamburg.
The class designated the following events in the series:
- Cedar Point One Design Regatta
- New York Yacht Club Race Week
- American Yacht Club Fall Series (2nd Weekend only)
The winner is determined using the following criteria as stated in the Deed of Gift: The winning J/109 shall be the boat with the lowest number of points when its points in each race, with no throwouts allowed, in every qualifying event in which it competed, are added together and divided by the number of qualifying events in which it competed.
With the 2018 East Coast Regatta Series concluded, an exciting North American Championship at Larchmont YC is planned 10-14 October with 20 boats registered.