Hi All,
Sail Newport has allowed us to secure dock space at the Alofsin Piers for boat and sail inspections on July 16th, 2010 prior to the commencement of the J109 North American Championship at NYYC Race Week the next day.
To make this go smoothly, I suggest we schedule 20 minute time slots starting at 12:30pm-3:00pm so we can accommodate two boats at a time. This should make the inspection process go smoothly and leave plenty of time for practice during the afternoon. Remember, each team will still need to register and weigh in at New York Yacht Club Sailing Center so please consider that when making your plans. Please email me with your first and second choice of preferred time. Slots will be available on a first come, first served basis. The time slots are 1230, 1250, 1310, 1330, 1350, 1410, 1430 and 1450.
As I noted in my previous email, sail and boat inspections will involve the following:
1) Sails should be available for inspection with the royalty tag on the tack displayed. I will record the type of sail, tag number and sail maker and then sign or stamp the sail to indicate it has been registered for the regatta.
2) For sails that were built prior to September 2006, please have a sail declaration sheet from your Sailmaker attesting that the dimensions of the sail comply with Class rules.
3) Boats will also be required to display the following: main salon table installed, all doors installed with the exception that the forward door leading to the V-berth which may be removed while racing, all cushions in their normal positions with the exception that the V-berth cushions can be removed while racing, anchor and rode, emergency tiller, and propane tank in its normal position. We will also check life line tension. While the standard test is to hang an 11.2lb weight and verify that the lifelines do not deflect more than 1.96 inches we have adopted a simpler standard that the upper lifeline should be taught and the mid-point of the lower lifeline (between stanchions) should not extend less than 9” above the deck.
4) An owner is responsible to ensure that his or her boat complies with all aspects of the Class rules. If you have any questions about whether installed equipment meets class rules I would strongly urge you to contact Adrian Begley Adrian.begley@verizon.net Class Measurer, or Jeff Johnstone jeffj@jboats.com , Member of the J109 Class Technical Committee, to review your inquiry well before the event.
Brad Read, Executive Director at Sail Newport, has graciously offered to allow J109 owners to secure dock space at the Alofsin Piers at Sail Newport during the regatta at the bargain rate of $2.00/foot per night. This compares to rates of up to $5.00/foot/nite elsewhere in Newport, and will be available on a first come-first served basis. To take advantage of this offer, go to the Sail Newport website and click on the link for the online form to secure dockage. This is still in process so it may be a few days before the link/form is available.
Sail Newport is a terrific organization/facility that has been a tremendous supporter of our sport over the years. They have also been very helpful to the J109 Class by offering us a protected area to handle boat inspections and for participants at the 2008 and 2010 North American Championships to have very reasonably priced dockage to moor their boats. It also helps that Sail Newport is only minutes away from New York Yacht Club’s Harbor Court location where registration and all of the social events take place. I strongly urge you to consider becoming members of this fine organization or making a gift to support their work. Here is a link describing membership costs and benefits for your review. http://www.sailnewport.org/npt/membershipinfo.aspx
As always, please feel free to contact me or any of the other officers if you have questions about this event. We look forward to seeing you in Newport in July!