Proposed Rules Change on Crew Weight

A ballot sent on 16 September 2024 to all Voting Members contains the proposed rule change brought by the Technical Committee to the Executive Board for review and comment. The Executive Board approved proceeding to vote the following.

Background:  Class rules 6.1 and 6.2 provide different approaches for crew weight limits (number of people vs total weight). The North American Championship is the only event that limits total crew weight. This limit makes it more difficult to get crew for events, and is a significant admin burden for the class in executing and tracking the weights. The proposed rule change simplifies the process and provides an equitable approach for total crew on boats. 

As such, in accordance with Class Constitution Section 7.2(b), the Executive Board voted on the following proposed Class Rule change. The Executive Board approves with the proposal submitted to the full Class membership for a vote.

Specific Change to Class Rules:
(Rule 6.1 remains as is)

6.1 For J/109 Class or fleet sanctioned events, the crew of each boat shall be limited to the driver plus six crew members. To encourage participation, including junior sailors, a seventh “lightweight person” may be added without penalty, provided that person’s weight does not exceed 60 kilos (132 lbs.).

(Rule 6.2 below is deleted and replaced as annotated below to preclude renumbering subsequent paragraphs)

6.2 By vote of the Executive Board, a Championship event may be designated to be a “weight limited” event. The Notice of Race for such events shall state that Rule 6.2 applies, and Rule 6.1 does not apply. Total weight of crew (excluding the driver) in swimming apparel shall not exceed 550 kilos (1213 pounds).

6.2 (Deleted).

Who may vote? A Voting Member as defined in section 3.0 of the class constitution shall be a legal owner or one designated legal owner in the case of a boat with more than one legal owner, such that each registered boat shall have one Voting Member. Each Voting Member shall have one vote. Voting Members maintain membership by paying annual membership dues and by complying with the J/109 Class Association Constitution and J/109 Class Rules. Note – if you desire to vote on the rules changes and are not a current year member, please go to the class website, update your membership and pay your current year dues. Voting members who paid previous year class dues will be allowed to vote through 31 March of the following year.

When may I Vote? All current members will be sent an email no later than 16 September 2024 notifying them that the official ballot is available.  Voting is available online through midnight 17 October 2024, at which time the results will be validated and tallied by the J/109 Class Secretary. The results will be announced at the annual meeting on 23 October 2024.

When would the change be effective? Should the proposed change be approved by the class, the change would be incorporated in the class rules effective 1 January 2025.

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