The proposed rule changes were brought by the Technical Committee to the Executive Board for review and comment. The Executive Board approved proceeding to vote the following, with Executive Board comments incorporated.
The J/109 Class Constitution and Class Rules refer to ISAF. On November 14, 2015, ISAF changed its name to World Sailing. In doing so, the ISAF entity and several documents once published by ISAF and previously referenced by the Constitution and Rules were made no longer available and several others were changed by World Sailing. The Technical Committee reviewed the Constitution and the Rules and made the following proposed updates. We additionally consulted with JBoats and reviewed other similar class rules for consistency.
Because there are numerous changes, the proposal attempts to demonstrate the current rules and the proposed wording. (Words with a strike through are from the current edition while words that are underlined are proposed.) The proposed rule changes are attached as a pdf. A second pdf attachment makes the proposed new reference to the World Sailing Offshore Special Regulations Appendix B available for review.
In the end, the Technical Committee is just doing some housekeeping and many of these changes will have little effect on owners, the class, and our competitions.
The Technical Committee also sought to make Rule 6.1 more user-friendly and potentially less confusing, with the objective to be more inclusive while fostering interest in sailing and the J109.
A ballot will be prepared shortly and sent to all eligible voting members.
David Rosow