J-109 vs other Racer/Cruisers

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Post by Guest »

I am narrowing down the selection field for a new boat. Under consideration are the following: J-109, Beneteau 36.7, C&C 110 and C&C 115

Any thoughts would be helpful, we sail Lake Erie in variable wind conditions but generally under 15 kts and not unusual to sail in under 10 kts. Performance figures seem to be similar in nature for all 4 boats and cruising accommodations meet the family’s needs.

What makes the J-109 the best options?

Any insight will be much appreciated!


[Posted by: Tim Y
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Joined: Wed Dec 31, 1969 8:00 pm

Post by jerry »

I race against all the others this is why I went with the J109:
1) J-boat reputation
2) The local Fleet for OD
3) The competition in PHRF
4) Sprit boat, no more pole = fewer crew
5) Great performance in all wind conditions
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J-109 vs other Racer/Cruisers

Post by nc_109_driver »

We race against the other boats on the east coast, regularly against 36.7's. They were all finalist for our search 5 years ago. So here goes .....

The C&C's lost out from sailing functionality. The 109 just sails so much easier short handed for my family of three.

Sprit boat - have been KO'd on other racers I did not want a spin pole again. The sprit makes it so easy to run a chute with the family.

The "B"-boat was one of the three finalists and I thought my wife would select that due to more interior room. The cruise great sail nice and don't seem to have a lot of the build issues that other B-boats have. She chose the 109 for one major reason, I LOVE sailing it! Again, it sails a higher performance than the other boats. Expedition vs. a Porsche. The boat sails easily, but rewards you for your extra effort tuning the rig and balance.

Offshore - something I like and want more of. The other boats require a fair amount of rework to meet reg's for offshore events. I talked with the 109 that did Vic-Maui a few years ago and the 109 that did double handed Bermuda. The only required mods made were for single sideband and manual bilge pump operated inside cabin. The 36.7 that did well last year was a complete rebuild.

Would love a chance to discuss further!
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