An Open Letter to our J109 owners, friends, and sailmakers

Happy New Year to everyone! We finished up 2006 with great progess in promoting our class. Our new website is terrific, we elected class officers, held our annual meeting, and have approved class rules and constitution.

Our class constitution reminds us that we committed to promoting our class with strict one design racing , while preserving the recreational and cruising capability of a truly terrific design. We are further reminded to promote our national and international events with predominantly amateur crews, and enforcement of our class rules.

As we approach 2007, we ask that our rules are respected for the spirit for which they were written. Many questions have arisen regarding “pros” on board, sail tags, number of sail purchases in a given year, and so on. We will continue to promote ourselves according to our mission as a class and to follow our rules as written and adopted. Questions that arise may of course be directed to our officers and will be reviewed and considered.

We are excited about continued growth of our class, our new rules corner on the website, and an enhanced owners’ forum. I also want to say thanks to Rick Lyall, Ed Dailey, Barry Gold, Kendra Muenter, Jeff Johnstone, and all of the local fleet captains for their energy and direction this past year.

Wishing you a successful 2007 both on and off the water.

Len Siegal
J109 Class President

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