East Coat Championship at Block Island Race Week

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June 23, 2025 – June 27, 2025 all-day
Champlin's Marina
80 West Side Rd
New Shoreham, RI 02807
Whitney Kneisley - Executive Director
(914) 834-8857
East Coat Championship at Block Island Race Week @ Champlin's Marina | New Shoreham | Rhode Island | United States

132 days until this event

Save the dates for the 2025 Block Island Race Week (BIRW) and the J/109 Class East Coast Championship. This iconic East Coast sailing regatta organized by the Storm Trysail Club. Race Week includes multiple races per day, lots of shoreside activities, and a Round the Island Race.

There will also be a J/109 Class Party! Thanks to NORDLYS owner Bob Schwartz, we will have a class party scheduled one night at his rental house.  

Class Party Details – Tuesday 24 June @ 6pm

The J/109 Class will have a cookout with food and beverages provided.  The party is planned for 6pm Tuesday 24 June. Thanks once again to Bob Schwartz from Nordlys, the party will be held at the house known as Crews Hideout located on 1078 West Beach Rd.
Please RSVP at this link no later than Tuesday 3 June with a head count attending from your boat. so we can order food.
As in past years, we are asking for volunteers to help with various party tasks.  
Please volunteer for a minimum of two items and sign up on the list at this link. Forward the link to your crew so they may sign up to help.

Directions to Bob Schwartz’s house – 1078 West Beach Road for Party:

Go North on Corn Neck Road (the main North – South road)  about 2 miles or so from the Salt Pond. Make a left on West Beach Road. There is a sign for the island transfer station at the intersection of West Beach Road and Corn Neck. The driveway is about a quarter of a mile down West Beach Road on the left and has a sign for Crews Hideout. Pull into the driveway. It is okay to park on the grass. The address is 1078 West Beach Road.



Permanent link to this article: https://j109.org/event/ecc-at-block-island-race-week/